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Contact one of the following ways to buy tickets

Telephone No:  01530 652653


Did you know there's a way you can help support the Library to continue serving the community without even leaving your fireside chair?     

Why not buy a ticket(s) at £1.00 each for the NWL Community Lottery, 40p of each £1.00 going to the Library if you choose us at your good cause.

£25,000  is the top prize each week if all numbers are matched, but don't despair there are others

Please, please join, name the Library as your  good cause to help keep this important community facility open.

Holding Books


Donate good quality books to the library. They will be sold in our small second-hand bookshop to help fund the running of the library.

Fundraising Ideas

The survival of Kegworth Community Library relies extensively on goodwill and generosity to support the future running and provision of the library.

If you have any ideas or suggestions for fund raising we would love to hear them.

Donating Money

Co-Op Community Fund

We're really grateful to all of you who opted to support us via the Co-Op community fund. The money received goes towards the library's day-to-day bills. Visit the Co-Op website to select which local cause you would like 1% of your spend to go towards.

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